1. Miley Cyrus has left behind her Hannah Montana alter ego by releasing raunchy video clips.
Miley Cyrus telah meninggalkan di belakangnya Hannah Montana alter ego dengan merilis klip video vulgar.
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2. Britney Spears' public demise has been widely documented, although the singer and mother is slowly picking up the pieces of her career.
Kematian publik Britney Spears 'telah banyak didokumentasikan, meskipun penyanyi dan ibu perlahan-lahan mengangkat potongan karirnya.
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3. Christina Aguilera was a tiny Mouseketeer with a huge voice, but she quickly shed that image, donning racy outfits in her video clips.
Christina Aguilera adalah Mouseketeer kecil dengan suara besar, tapi dia cepat gudang gambar itu, mengenakan pakaian cabul dalam video klip nya.
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4. Corey Feldman was the voice of Copper in Disney's The Fox and the Hound, but he is more famous for his drug problem and arrest for heroin possession in 1990.
Corey Feldman adalah suara Tembaga dalam The Disney Fox dan Hound, tetapi dia lebih terkenal karena masalah narkoba dan penangkapan karena pemilikan heroin pada tahun 1990.
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5. Disney starlet Demi Levato checked into a medical treatment center after admitting to cutting herself and having a "physical altercation" with a back-up dancer.
Disney starlet Demi Levato checked into a medical treatment center after admitting to cutting herself and having a "physical altercation" with a back-up dancer.
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6. Fairuza Balk played Dorothy in Disney’s 1985 movie Return to Oz before developing an interest in witchcraft.
Fairuza balk bermain Dorothy di tahun 1985 film Disney Kembali ke Oz sebelum mengembangkan minat dalam ilmu sihir.
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7. Britney’s younger sister Jamie Lynn Spears fell pregnant at the age of 16, sparking outrage that she was two years below California’s age of consent.
Adik Britney Jamie Lynn Spears hamil di usia 16, memicu kemarahan bahwa dia dua tahun di bawah usia California persetujuan....
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8. Justin Timberlake managed to shake off his clean image as a boyband singer and former Mickey Mouse Club star by bedding a string of beautiful women.
Justin Timberlake berhasil melepaskan diri dari citra yang bersih sebagai penyanyi boyband dan mantan bintang Mickey Mouse Club oleh tempat tidur string perempuan cantik....
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9. Lindsay Lohan was too cute in Disney flicks like 'The Parent Trap', but now she is more famous for her alcohol problems.
Lindsay Lohan terlalu manis dalam film Disney seperti 'The Parent Trap', tapi sekarang dia lebih terkenal karena masalah alkohol nya.
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10.High School Musical star Vanessa Hudgens had a squeaky clean public persona until leaked nude pictures of her surfaced on the internet.
Bintang High School Musical Vanessa Hudgens memiliki pesona publik berderit bersih sampai gambar-gambar telanjang bocor-nya muncul di internet.
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